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Can you Play Laser Tag with a Pacemaker?

If there’s one thing we know about laser tag, it’s that the game doesn’t discriminate!

Everyone aged seven and up, male or female, can enjoy the thrill of the chase and the sweet taste of victory! It’s an activity for individual players or teams,  sport or fun.

playing laser tag with a pacemaker

But the question is, are there any health restrictions to laser tag? Especially if you or your child has a pacemaker, you’re probably wondering if the high-tech arena and gear will interfere with the device.

Today, we’ll uncover:

  • If pacemakers are safe in laser tag games
  • If you can still play laser tag if you have a pacemaker
  • More laser tag restrictions and safety precautions

But here’s what you should know about laser tag and pacemakers:

Generally, most pacemakers are safe for laser tag games! However, keep in mind that some laser tag gear, including guns and vests, contain magnets that can damage a pacemaker. The last thing we want is for any player to get hurt!

With that in mind, let’s begin.

Can you play laser tag with a pacemaker?

laser tag gunLaser tag is included in the list of safe household items to use with a pacemaker. Along with computers, radios, microwave ovens, and other electronics, laser tag poses only a small risk of interference.

In fact, several pacemakers are certified to be used in laser tag games.

But, keep this in mind:

Some laser tag vest sensors contain magnets and radio frequency transmitters that can potentially damage your pacemaker. If you’d like to play a round of laser tag, it will be best to maintain at least a half-foot distance from the magnet or transmitter antenna.

Better yet, you can contact your pacemaker manufacturer to check if it’s certified safe to use with laser tag equipment.

What other devices interfere with pacemakers?

To give you some peace of mind, we’ll get this out of the way: pacemakers are protected from everyday household and electrical items.

However, there are a few pacemaker precautions that you have to reconsider, aside from laser tag equipment:

  • Some pacemakers aren’t safe to use in MRI scanners
  • Pacemakers may set off airport alarms!
  • Anti-theft detectors in commercial and retail outlets
  • Mobile phones are placed directly on the pacemaker site
  • Magnets placed over the pacemaker site can interfere with the settings.

What are some pacemaker restrictions?

If you wear a pacemaker, you should consider if you’re ready for strenuous activities.

Avoid physically demanding sports four to six weeks after your pacemaker has been fitted. People with pacemakers should also avoid contact sports.

Since laser tag isn’t a contact sport like rugby or football, the games should be safe for you –– given that your pacemaker is compatible with laser tag equipment.

Laser Tag Restrictions and Rules

laser tag restrictionsPrecautions for playing laser tag with a pacemaker

Again, most pacemakers are safe for use with laser tag equipment! However, we recommend that you contact the pacemaker manufacturer to be extra safe.

Laser tag is also great since it allows you to exercise! Check in with your doctor as well if your heart rate needs to be monitored.

Other laser tag restrictions to consider

A game of laser tag is completely safe! However, keep in mind that it can quickly escalate to a highly strenuous and intense game.

Safety marshals and first aid crew will be on standby at all times to make sure everyone is safe and following arena rules.

Basic laser tag rules that you need to follow for your safety are:

  • No running
  • Hold your laser gun with both hands
  • No physical contact
  • No climbing
  • Inform the marshals if you have any health concerns: epilepsy, asthma, heart conditions, or if a player is pregnant.

Before playing a round of laser tag, make sure to go over these FAQs:

three health concerns when playing laser tagCan you play laser tag if you’re pregnant?

While there is no risk due to laser tag equipment, the game can get competitive and physically demanding. Dim lights can also be a safety concern as it poses a risk of bumping, falling or tripping.

Can you play laser tag if you have epilepsy?

Epilepsy can be triggered by highly stimulating environments, such as intense light or visual patterns. Laser tag arenas are fairly dark with flashing lights, loud music, and release smoke that can trigger seizures. Some arenas are only lit by static UV lights and use guns with low flash rates. But these factors can be difficult to control, especially with larger groups.

Epilepsy can also be triggered by stress and psychological triggers. Make sure to check in with your doctor, especially if you have photosensitive epilepsy.

Can you play laser tag if you have asthma?

Again, laser tag is a physically demanding activity. Players should only play if they are aware of their limits.

Artificial smoke is also common in most indoor arenas. If you suffer from any respiratory issue, such as asthma, the smoke might agitate your condition. Symptoms of over-exposure to artificial smoke include dry throat, dry mouth, and/or dry eyes. Approach a staff member immediately so they can accompany you to get fresh air.


In general, laser tag is a fun and safe way to enjoy a friendly game with your friends!

However, due to the intense nature of the game, it can quickly become strenuous and physically demanding. There is also high-tech equipment involved that can interfere with medical devices, such as your pacemaker.

While most pacemakers are certified safe for laser tag games, some may not be compatible to be in close contact with magnets in laser tag sensors, vests, or guns.

To address this concern, the first thing you should do is contact your pacemaker manufacturer. They can give you guidelines on what you can do with your pacemaker. Check-in with your doctor as well if you’re good to go with physically demanding sports!

We hope this article helped you plan your laser tag game! Good luck!


How Many Players do you Need to Play Laser Tag?

What Time do Laser Tag Centers Close? (in General)


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