Laser tag is a great activity for people who are looking for a competitive game to play with friends and family.
But even if it gives us loads of fun, there’s no denying that it’s not the most comfortable sport especially when you start sweating underneath your vest.

But did you know that there are ways to make your laser tag experience more comfortable?
One of the causes for discomfort, and I’d go so far as to say that it’s the main cause for discomfort, is clothing. Wearing the wrong attire for laser tag will definitely dampen your spirits and ultimately lead you to struggle to win the game.
So if you still haven’t given up with laser tag and you want to feel a lot better while playing, I made a guide on what to wear to play laser tag.
What to Wear in an Indoor Laser Tag?
First things first, laser tag can be done inside and outside. But let’s talk about indoor laser tag first.
Indoor laser tag happens inside a cold, dark room with obstacles in it. There are usually ramps, walls, and other obstacles that you can use to shield you from being seen or hit.
So what is the best attire for indoor laser tag? Here are my recommendations:
Wear Dark Colors
Wearing bright, neon or sparkling clothes will only attract attention. These colors also tend to reflect light a lot better than dark colors.
So if you don’t want to be seen, I suggest you stick with dark blue or black attire.
Wear Sneakers or Rubber Shoes
Expect a lot of running. Even if you plan on walking around the obstacle course, the chances of your feet being stepped on or hitting an object are high.
Protect your toes and wear sneakers or rubber shoes. I recommend wearing shoes that have a harder material so that it better protects your feet.
At the same time, opt for shoes that are comfortable for running. Even if flats are considered closed shoes, they’re not meant for intense running and hiding games.
So in short, no flats, sandals, heels, and slippers.
Dress in Layers
Wait, I thought I’ll be sweating inside? Shouldn’t I wear sleeveless and light clothes?
No, not really. When you enter the arena, it’s going to be cold at first.
It’s best that you wear a light jacket on top of your shirt so that you won’t end up shivering during the first part of the game.
Of course, you’re going to sweat after a while. So I recommend bringing a jacket that you can remove so that you’re more comfortable.
Choose Clothes that are Loose

Ease of movement is what will help you play to your limits. If you’re a competitive spirit, you will definitely end up being more tactical with your movements – crouching, crawling, etc.
And if you’re wearing tight clothes, then you’re going to have a hard time doing those.
So even if the room is cold, opt for clothes that don’t have a tight fit. That way, you can move freely even with a vest on.
What to Wear in an Outdoor Laser Tag?
Now let’s talk about outdoor laser tag. In terms of gameplay, outdoor laser tag is the same as indoor laser tag.
The only difference is that you’re outside and you don’t necessarily have to wear dark clothes. Here are my simple tips on what to wear.
Wear Camouflage Colors
Since you’re outside, you should be wearing clothes that blend with your surroundings. If you’re in a field or a park, camouflage is the best color to wear.
Camouflage colors and patterns will help you blend with trees and shrubs. If people aren’t looking too closely, they might even miss that you’re there!
Does this mean you can’t wear dark-colored clothes? Not exactly.
While you can always wear dark colors, doing so will increase your risk of being seen because you’ll most likely play in broad daylight. And dark colors can be easily spotted.
Wear Lightweight Clothing
Unlike indoor laser tag, there’s no AC blasting off cold air. You’re just outside under the sun, so expect to get sweaty a few minutes after the game starts.
I don’t really advise you to wear a sweater unless it’s cold outside, but I do advise you to wear tops with sleeves on them. This way, you won’t be too exposed and you’re still able to move comfortably.
No Sandals and Heels
Just because you’re less likely to hit an obstacle doesn’t mean that you should be wearing sandals and heels.
You’re still supposed to wear rubber shoes or sneakers so that you can move comfortably. For outdoor laser tag, your goal is to be able to run, walk, and crouch easily so sandals and heels are out of the question.
Can You Wear Sandals in Laser Tag?
As a general rule, you can’t wear sandals or any strappy shoes in laser tag.
This is mainly because most sandals and strappy shoes were not made for running, squatting, and hiding. In other words, they’re not laser tag-friendly.
Wearing sandals during a laser tag game will only increase the chances of you tripping, getting stepped on, or feeling uncomfortable throughout the game.
Do You Need Closed-Toed Shoes for Laser Tag?
Yes, you do. But to make it more specific, you need to wear sneakers or rubber shoes.
Sneakers and rubber shoes are the best footwear for competitive and active games like laser tag.
Aside from the comfort these shoes will bring you, you get to prevent being in too much pain if someone accidentally steps on you.
What to Wear to Laser Tag for Girls?
Women’s and men’s clothing are not that different especially when we’re just talking about basic clothing.
But if you’re a girl who loves wearing accessories, frilly clothes, and colorful hues, then you might have to consider changing it up a bit for the sake of laser tag (and winning it!).
The best clothing for women playing laser tag is those that follow my guidelines above. So it’s dark-colored clothes, closed shoes, layers, and loose clothing.
But for the sake of being specific, you’re allowed to wear boots, loose pants, and long-sleeved blouses. You’re even allowed to wear a watch.
However, you should do away with bracelets, dangling earrings, purses (they’re not allowed inside anyway), heels, and skirts. These types of clothing will only hinder you from being comfortable and you definitely don’t want that.
In the end, laser tag is a competitive but fun game. You’re playing this to win and to be able to do that, you should feel comfortable moving around.
Remember, you don’t need to be fashionable when playing laser tag. If you’re playing indoors, no one’s going to see your outfit anyway.
But if you’re wearing a bright neon dress, then you’ll be seen and most likely be a target for the whole duration of the game.